PhD | EU Certified Entrepreneurial Coach | Entrepreneur | Educationist | Researcher

Dr Syed Sohaib Zubair is an Assistant Professor in Public Policy & Administrative Sciences (Management). He has expertise in SPSS, AMOS, Smart PLS, and NVIVO. His areas of interest include governance, public administration, management, organization theory, total quality management, reform analysis and higher education.

Dr. Ghalib Ata, is a Mechanical Engineer from University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore and has Master’s degree in Public Administration, and PhD in Administrative Sciences. He is a Certified Social Enterprise Master Trainer from LUMS-McGill twining program. Prior to joining academic field, he worked in tin-packaging industry and later as a marketing and management research consultant for corporate sector. He has worked for LUMS as a Research Associate and as regular faculty member at Institute of Management Science (previously Pak-Aims) and The University of Lahore before joining Institute of Administrative Sciences. He has also worked as Director, Research and Development for Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He has published papers in journals of national and international repute. His research interests include development management, organizational innovation, public policy and statehood in Islamic perspective.

Mr. Zeeshan Hanif has completed his MPhil from Institute ofAdministrative Sciences, University of the Punjab and achieved first position.He has also done his BS (Hons) in Management Sciences from the same institute and got a gold medal after securing first position. His areas of interest include Strategic Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, International Relations and Public Administration. Currently he is involved in various research projects at the institute.

Ms. Iman Saleem Bukhari has done her MPA from IAS, PU. She was awarded three gold medals for her distinction in MPA degree with 4.0 CGPA. She has also completed her MPhil Management degree with distinction from IAS and received merit scholarship during her whole academic career. Her topic of MPhil thesis was “Governance of Third Sector Organizations in Pakistan: Role of Board”. She has served at IAS as Research Scholar for 3 years.She joined IAS as lecturer in 2013 and is currently engaged in teaching various subjects like Introduction to Behavioral Sciences and Psychology. She is currently enrolled in PhD (Management) program at IAS. Her areas of research interest include Governance and Management, Human Resource Management and Research Methods.

Ayesha Hanif is serving as an Assistant Professor at Institute of Administrative Sciences. She is serving the institute as a faculty member since 2009. Her areas of teaching are Public Administration and Society, Political and Economic History of Pakistan, Governance, Policy and Management. Her areas of interest and research are Public Policy, Governance and Comparative Public Administration. Currently she is enrolled in PhD Program at Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) at Leiden University, Netherlands.

Dr. Zahra has MS in Management and BS (Hons) in Management from IAS, University of the Punjab. She was awarded Roll of Honor based on her brilliant academic performance. She was also awarded merit scholarship during her BS (Hons) for her achievements. She is teaching courses in the areas of research methods and human resource management. She is currently doing her PhD from IAS, University of the Punjab.

Dr. Sabeen Imran Ahmad is working as Assistant Professor at Institute of Administrative Sciences. She has 12 years of diversified experience in the field of management. She also has corporate experience to her credit and has worked in Nestle’ Pakistan. She has completed her MPhil in Management with distinction.She has been awarded with gold medal in her MPhil degree based on her outstanding academic performance. Her research work in MPhil mainly focused on gender equality and diversity management. She is recently awarded with Higher Education Commission scholarship to pursue her PhD degree from Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom.Sabeen has worked with many international organizations including ILO and CIDA. She has received research grant many times to complete research projects in the area of her research interests. Her research interests include; management, human resource management, labor relations and diversity management.

Dr. Samia earned her Ph.D. from the triple-accredited (AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA) Business School at the University of International Business and Economics, Beijing. Prior to her Ph.D., she completed her MPA and MPhil in Management at the Institute of Administrative Sciences. She believes in co-creating value and teaches courses including Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, New Product Development and Branding, and Financial Management. She has published in renowned journals, including Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Current Psychology, Journal of Asia Business Studies, and Asian Journal of Business Ethics. Her research has also been presented at the Academy of Management Conference. Dr. Samia’s research focuses on the sharing economy, online reputation system designs, consumer behavior, and business/marketing ethics. She is open to accepting MS, MPhil, and PhD students in these substantive domains.

Dr. Ahmad Usman has earned his PhD in Management from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) in 2018. His PhD research, the role of self-criticism and self-compassion in job demands-resources theory, was supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kartinah binti Ayupp. During his PhD candidature, he served as a teaching assistant in UNIMAS where he taught courses like Human Resource Management and Research Methods for Business. Prior to his PhD, he has completed his MS (TQM) from Institute of Quality and Technology Management (IQTM), University of the Punjab, Lahore and MBA (Marketing) from University of the Punjab, Gujranwala Campus. Before joining IAS in 2019, his first appointment in University of the Punjab was as a Lecturer in Hailey College of Commerce where he taught courses like Human Resource Management, Total Quality Management, Retail Management and Marketing Management from January, 2009 to September, 2013. He has authored and co-authored many research articles in well-reputed national and international peer reviewed journals. His research interests include the role of personality at workplace, service quality and service delivery, job demands-resource theory, leadership and management styles, high performance work practices, personal vulnerability factors, work engagement, emotional exhaustion, job crafting, psychological capital, interest congruence and impact of entrepreneurial and learning orientation on performance.