Students of IAS have once again proven their talent, potential and unmatched entrepreneurial skills at the Winter Fest 2017 held on 22nd November 2017. The festival was organized with great hard work and dedication by the graduating students of Marketing of BS Program. The event was arranged as a part of a project of Social Media Marketing course taught by Mr. Asad Awan – a visiting faculty member IAS. Students were required to take up real time projects of goods/services that they can advertise on social media to gain profits and to exercise their marketing skills. For that matter, the students not only approached the already established businesses and took up their social media marketing campaigns but they also developed their own ideas and worked upon them from the scratch. The event included around 50 stalls including the eateries, accessories like shoes, jewelry, garments, bakery products, herbal beauty products, home-made spices, gaming booth and lot more attractions.