
Upcoming Academic Excellence Activities at IAS, PU

To commemorate the services of two of our most prominent and established faculty members at Institute of Administrative Sciences (IAS), Prof. Dr. Nasira Jabeen and Mr. Muhammad Zahid, IAS will be upholding its traditions by organizing a series of academic excellence events in the month of June 2019. Prof. Dr. Nasira Jabeen is currently Dean, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences (FEMS) and Director, Institute of Administrative Sciences and has an academic career that spans almost 35 years. She has made immense contribution to the research landscape in the fields of public administration, governance, gender and human resource management in Pakistan. Prof. Dr. Jabeen is the Managing Editor of IAS’ first academic peer-reviewed journal ‘Governance and Management Review’ and has been the Chief Patron for the first National and International Conference of the Institute which deliberated on the issues of governance and management in Pakistan in light of global trends and challenges. Instilling the traditions of community-based change in IAS and setting an example for others to follow, Dr. Nasira Jabeen has been instrumental in setting up two unique initiatives: Dr. Afzal Endowment Trust Fund that provides scholarships and financial assistance to deserving students of the Institute and Dastarkhawan that provides healthy, nutritious and home-cooked meals to the Grade 1-4 employees of the institute during work hours.

Mr. Muhammad Zahid has a degree in Public Administration from University of the Punjab and Masters in International Development from Brandeis University, USA. He has been serving the institute for almost 25 years. Mr. Muhammad Zahid has been one of the pioneer instructors to introduce case study teaching in our institute in the late 1990s and has been contributing to the fields of Marketing, Public Management and Governance over the years. He has been instrumental in mentoring undergraduate students for exchange programs with US Universities and was also the Coordinator for IAS’ first national and international conferences.

The series of events will be as follows:

  1. “Writing a Ph.D. Thesis: Research Issues, Challenges and Solutions” will be a workshop for doctoral students of Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences, delivered by Dr. Syed Tariq Anwar, Professor of Marketing & International Business at West Texas A&M University.
    Date: Friday, 14th June, 2019
    Time: 9:30 am-12:00 noon
    Venue: Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of the Punjab.
  2. “Publishing in High Impact Factor Journals: Issues, Trends and Strategies” will be a workshop/talk for faculty members in the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Faculty of Arts & Humanities at University of the Punjab, to be delivered by Dr. Syed Tariq Anwar, Professor of Marketing & International Business at West Texas A&M University.
    Date: Thursday, 20th June, 2019
    Time: 9:30 am – 12:00 noon
    Venue: Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of the Punjab.
  3. Seminar on “Quality of Governance in the Age of Complexity”
    Date: 3rd July, 2019
    Venue: Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of the Punjab.


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