
Faculty Development Orientation Program 2018

Faculty Development Orientation Program 2018

By: Human Resource Development Center (HRDC), Institute of Administrative Sciences (IAS) – University of the Punjab, Lahore


Faculty Development Orientation Program (FDP) is one of the flagship programs of Human Resource Development Center (HRDC) at University of the Punjab that took off for the first time in year 2001. This year’s program is planned from 4th to 7th September 2018. The program was inaugurated by Prof. Dr.Taqi Zahid Butt – Dean Faculty of Engineering & Technology, University of the Punjab. He congratulated all the participants to be the part of FDOPand appreciated the efforts of Prof. Dr. Nasira Jabeen and her team for this contribution on regular basis.


Dr. Taqi Zahid Butt addressed the participants on the significance of FDOPthat equip faculty for professional growth through enriching their knowledge about university governance and management policies and practices and desired skills needed for professional proficiency of university teachers. He encouraged faculty to develop themselves academically on continuous basis that would enhance the ranking of Punjab University as well. He shared inspiring examples of eminent teachers that have made their legendary marks in the teaching field. He shared some pearls of wisdom from his lifelong teaching and administrative experience at University that can help the newly inducted members in their service.


Prof. Dr. Nasira Jabeen – Dean Faulty of Economics and Management Sciences (FEMS) and Director Institute of Administrative Sciences (IAS) warmly welcomed all the participants and worthy guests at the orientation program.  She specially welcomed four Chinese participants coming from Confucius Institute, University of the Punjab to be the part of FDP. She shared about various programs and trainings conducted by the HRDC for mid-tier professionals and administrative staff of PU.  A total of 40 faculty members, nominated from all over four campuses of PU, will undergo this weeklong training program to equip them better with not only the teaching & research methodologies but an enhanced understanding of university’s governance structure and practices. The themes of the program encompass professional as well as personal development and management tools for teaching faculty. As a food for thought, Professor Jabeen emphasized on the need for developing positive attitudes, leveraging potential and passion among teachers to be successful as individuals, professionals and community members.


After a brief round of introduction of all participants, Prof. Jabeen presented a bouquet of flowers to Prof. Dr. Taqi Zahid Butt as a token of appreciation for taking out time for this highly significant Faculty Development Orientation Program and sharing his inspiring and valuable thoughts.


The program is enriched with highly skilled speakers and educationists of the respective fields. Key resource persons for four days program include Lt. Gen. Arshad Mehmood (R) -Former Vice-Chancellor, University of the Punjab & Managing Director, MILLS Skills, Dr. Khalid Khan – Registrar PU, Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Anwar, Chairman, Department of Economics, PU, , Prof. Dr. Shahid Kamal -Dean, Faculty of Sciences & Principal, College of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences PU, Mr. Rao Tahir Rafique – acting Treasurer, Mr. Omayer Arshad – Managing Partner Mediatech, Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen, Director External Linkages PU, Dr. Ali Sajid – Rector-Lahore Management School (LMS) and Prof. Dr. Nizzamuddin, Chairperson Punjab Higher Education Commission (PHEC).


HRDC envisions developing all cadres of employees and teachers of Punjab University to bring them at par with the global practices while keeping in view the indigenous realities.


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