
Visit of Indonesian Academician to Institute of Administrative Sciences (IAS) – University of the Punjab, Lahore

Executive Director Airlangga Global Engagement, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih visited Institute of Administrative Sciences (IAS) on 27th November 2019 for a meeting with faculty members. She was welcomed by Dr. Kashif Rathore – Incharge Director IAS and other faculty members including; Dr. Amir Saeed, Dr. Sidra Irfan and Dr. Amani Moazzam Baig. The purpose of the visit is to enhance student and faculty exchange opportunities offered by Universitas Airlangga.

Dignitaries have agreed upon mutual collaboration between IAS & UnAir for fully & partially funded projects for students and faculty as well.

Dignitaries shared their academic experience along with cultural discussion on Indonesian & Pakistani culture.

IAS Student M.Affan Nazir Khan who is also an alumnus of Univeristas Airlangga for CERIA-18 program shared his reviews on the program with the faculty members. Institutional tokens of appreciation and remembrance were exchanged among  Dr. Kashif Rathore and Prof. Nyoman.


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